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第44章 假如拥有三天光明(1 / 2)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

 three days to see


helen keller/海伦·凯勒

all of have read thrillg stories which the hero had only a liited and specified ti to livetis it was as long as a year;tis as short as enty-four hours,but always we were terested disverg jt how the dood an chose to spend this fast days of this st hoursi speak,of urse,of free n who have a choice,not ndened crials whose sphere of activities is strictly deliited

such stories set thkg,wonderg what we should do under siir circustanceswhat asciations should we crowd to those st hours as ortal begs?what happess should we fd revieg the past,what regrets?



tis i have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die toorrowsuch an attitude would ephasize sharply the vaes of lifewe should live each day with a ntleness,a vigor,and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when ti stretches before the nstant panoraa of ore days and onths and years to ethere are those,of urse,who would adopt the epicurean otto of“eat,drk and be rry,”but ost people would be chastened by the certaty of ipendg death


ost of take life for grantedwe know that one day we t die,but ually we picture that day as far the future,when we are buoyant health,death is all but uniagablewe seldo thk of itthe days stretch out an endless vista we go about our petty task,hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life


the sa lethargy,i a afraid,characterizes the e of all our faculties and sensesonly the deaf appreciate hearg,only the bld realize the anifold blessgs that lie sightparticurly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearg adult lifebut those who have never suffered ipairnt of sight or hearg seldo ake the fullest e of these blessed facultiestheir eyes and ears take all sights and unds hazily,without ncentration,and with little appreciationit is the sa old story of not beg grateful for what we nscio of health until we are ill

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