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第9章 有感于青春常在(1 / 1)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

 on the feelg of iortality youth


wil hazlitt/威廉·赫兹里特

no young an believes he shall ever dieit was a sayg of y brother‘s,and a fe onethere is a feelg of eternity youth,which akes and for everythgto be young is to be as one of the iortal godsone half of ti deed is flown--the other half reas store for with all its untless treasures;for there is no le drawn,and we see no liit to our hopes and wishes,we ake the g a our own--年轻人不相信自己会死。这是我哥哥的话,可算是一句妙语。青春有一种永生之感,它能弥补一切。人在青年时代好像一尊永生的神明。诚然,生命的一半已经消逝,但蕴藏着不尽财富的另一半还等着我们,我们对它也抱着无穷的希望和幻想。未来的时代完全属于我们——death,old a,is words without a ang,which pass by like the idle air which we regard notothers ay have undergone,or ay still be liable to the-we “bear a chard life”,which ughs to srn all such sickly fanciesas settg out on delightful journey,we stra our ear gaze forward --the vast,the un-bounded prospect lies before

the vast,the unbounded prospect lies before


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