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第10章 真正的朋友(1 / 2)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

 real friend



horror gripped the heart of the world war i ldier,as he saw his life-long friend fall battlecaught a trench with ntuo gunfire whizzg over his head,the ldier asked his lieutenant if he ight go out to the“no an’s nd”beeen the trenches to brg his fallen rade back

“you can go,”said the lieutenant,“but i don‘t thk it will be worth ityour friend is probably dead and you ay throw your own life away”

the lieutenant’s words didn‘t atter,and the ldier went anywayiraculoly he anad to reach his friend,hoist hi onto his shoulder,and brg hi back to their pany’s trenchas the o of the tubled tother to the botto of the trench,the officer checked the wounded ldier,then looked kdly at his friend



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“i told you it wouldn‘t be worth it,”he said“your friend is dead,and you are ortally wounded”

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