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第8章 美丽人生(2)(2 / 2)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13


the te 1960s,stephen elen,a behavioral elogist at rnell,set out to test the theory that igratory birds navigate by the starshe ed young digo buntgs a pariu to show that the birds actually learned to regnize the stationary pot the sky arked by poris,the celestial center around which the nsteltions spwhile we drea on these ft sur nights,young birds their nests learn the wheelg of stars


knog this,who can sleep?

the light is rich,ignitg the oss and ilatg every tree as i walk back to the hoeonce when i was out walkg light like this,i uldn‘t resist restg y cheek agast the ol,transcent bark of a yellow birch,the sa way i press y lips to y hband’s forehead and breathe his scentit is a blessg when the failiar and the beloved are one,and when i realize that i thought i knew is still a ysterythis is what brgs back,aga and aga;to the an i love,to these profound and ordary woods



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