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第60章 论毅力(1 / 2)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13




napoleon decred,“victory belongs to the ost perseverg”upon careful study we fd perseverance depends upon three thgs--purpose,will,and enthiashe who has a purpose is always ncentratg his forcesby the will,the hope and the pn are prevented fro evaporatg to dreasenthias keeps the terest up,and akes the obstacles see sall

life is a sense a battlethe an who thks to t on by re sart-ness and by idlg ets faire at stperseverance is the aster ipulse of the first uls,and holds the key to those treasure--hoes of knowled fro which the world has drawn its wealth both of wisdo and of oral worth

great n never wait for opportunities;they ake thethey seize upon whatever is at hand,work out their proble,and aster the situationthe greatest thg a an can do this world is to ake the ost possible out of the stuff that has been given to hithis is suess and there is no other

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