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第59章 论读书(1 / 1)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

 of studies


francis ban/弗朗西斯·培根

studies serve for delight,for ornant,and for abilitytheir chief e for delight,is privateness and retirg;for ornant,is disurse;and forability,is the judgnt,and disposition of bessfor expert n can exe-cute,and perhaps jud of particurs,one by one;but the neral unsels,and the plots and arshallg of affairs,e best,fro those that are learnedto spend too uch ti studies is sloth;to e the too uch for ornant,is affectation;to ake judgnt wholly by their rules,is the huor of a schorthey perfect nature,and are perfected by experience:for natural abilities are like natural pnts,that need proyng,by study;and studies theselves,do give forth directions too uch at r,except they be bounded by experiencecrafty n nten studies,siple n adire the,and wise n e the;for they teach not their own e;but that is a wisdo without the,and above the,won by observationread not to ntradict and nfute;nor to believe and take for granted;nor to fd talk and disurse;but to weigh and nsider books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and few to be chewed and disted;that is, books are to be read only parts;others to be read,but not curioly;and few to be read wholly,and with dilince and attention books al ay be read by deputy,and extracts ade of the bothers;but that would be only the less iportant argunts,and the aner rt of books,else distilled books are like on distilled waters,fshy thgs


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readg akes a full an;nference a ready an;and writg an exact anand therefore,if a an write little,he had need have a great ory;if he nfer little,he had need have a present wit:and if he read little,he had need have uch cunng,to see to know,that he doth nothistories ake n wise;poets witty;the atheatics subtitle;natural philophy deep;oral grave;logic and rhetoric able to ntendnay,there is no stand or ipedint thewit,but ay be wrought out by fit studies;like as diseases of the body,ay have appropriate exercisesbowlg is good for the stone and res;shootg for the ngs and breast;ntle walkg for the stoach;ridg for the head;and the like if a an‘s wit be wanderg,let hi study the atheatics;for deonstrations,if his wit be called away never little,he t beg agaif his wit be not apt to distguish or fd differences,let hi study the schooln;for they are cyi sectorsif he be not apt to beat over atters,and to call up one thg to prove and ilstrate another,let hi study the wyers’cases every defect of the d,ay have a special receipt


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