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第32章 远处的青山(1)(2 / 2)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13


and now there is an end,and i a up on this green hill once ore, deceber sunlight,with the distant sea a glitter of goldand there is no crap y heart,no iasa clgg to y sensespeace!it is still credibleno ore to hear with the ears of the nerves the ceaseless roll of gunfire,or see with the eyes of the nerves drowng n,gapg wounds,and deathpeace,actually peace!the war has gone on long that any of have fotten the sense of outra and aazent we had,those first days of augt,1914,when it all beganbut i have not fotten,nor ever shall


of —i thk any who uld not voice it—the war has left chiefly this feelg:“if only i uld fd a untry where n cared less for all that they see to care for,where they cared ore for beauty,for nature,for beg kdly to each otherif only i uld fd that green hill far away!”of the ngs of theocrit,of the life of stfrancis,there is no ore aong the nations than there is of dew on grass an east dif we ever thought otherwise,we are disilsioned nowyet there is peace aga,and the uls of n fresh-urdered are not flyg to our ngs with every breath we draw

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