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第17章 成长(1 / 1)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

 grog up


elizabeth yates/伊丽莎白·耶茨

at six she had been told she was a big girl nowshe was excited about gog to schoolshe ctched hard the hand of the grown -up that held hers as they went up the steps of the big buildg,through the door,and to the entrance of the cssroo;then she had to let go,had to face that roo full of children, few she knew but any she had never seen before

ti went by and it was her tenth birthday that was beg celebratedeven bigr was the day when she entered the teensthere were other great oasionsto be sixteen was one,and then to be enty-one:a grown-up who uld vote,a young woan who uld take her own standeach sta of grog had blended to the next effortlessly,evitablyyes,always there would be thg aheadthis was the learng that was life;and the savor,too

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