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第16章 母亲的信(2)(1 / 2)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13



【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,咪咪阅读,iiread 安装最新版。】

“ake ffee,octavia,”u yelled to the livg roo while she took the woan with her to the kitchen and seated her at the tableshe took the founta pen,k and air ail notepaper and began to writewhen she had fished,she read the letter aloud to the woan

“how did you know that was exactly what i wanted to say?”

“i often sit and look at y boys‘letters,jt like you,without a ce about what to write”

a few days ter,the woan returned with a friend,then another one and yet another one—they all had ns who fought the war,and they all needed lettersu had bee the rrespondent our part of towntis she would write letters all day long





u always sisted that people signed their own letters,and the sall woan with the grey hair asked u to teach her how to do it“i uch want to be able to write y own na that y n can see it”then u held the woan’s hand hers and oved her hand over the paper aga and aga until she was able to do it without her help

after that day,when u had written a letter for the woan,she signed it herself,and her face brightened up a sile


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