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第13章 生命的庆典(1 / 1)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

 celebration of life



i was disurad becae i wanted to know why we as a culture wait until body has passed away before we tell the how uch we love thewhy do we wait until ones ears cant hear before we let the know how uch they an to ?why do we wait until it is too te before we recall the good alities of a pern?why do we build one up after they have gone to eternity?what good does it do then?we share ory after ory,as we ugh,cry,and thk back about what was positive a pern`s lifeyes,it does help pe with the grief of losg one who was special to ,and,yes,it does brg those who are pg closer totherunfortunately,as we lovgly reber this pern,our words fall short of the ears that ost needed to hear the

jt once i would like to see a celebration of life stead of a gatherg of deatha celebration where stories are told,eyes ist over,ughter rgs out,and as the speaker ncdes his or her lovg tribute,the pern they are honorg rises fro his chair and gives the the bigst bear hug!wouldn`t that be thg!the special people t to hear the stories and e to the realization that they have ade a difference on this earth,and all this is done well before they leave their earthly bodies and go to etrnitywhen the evitable funerals fally e,we can say good-bye with the knowled that they knew exactly how people felt about the while they were here on earth



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