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第38章 心如花园(1 / 2)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

 your d is a garden



ti ago,fan and i were visitg friends the untrywe were stayg a beautiful little guest cab,surrounded by fruit trees,flowers and even a few goatspated above the doorway brightly loured,flog letters were the words:

your d is a garden

your thoughts are the seeds

you can grow flowers or

you can grow weeds

little did we know it at the ti,but this little poe was to have a profound affect both on our thought patterns as well as our arorks

it started alost as a kd of gawe decided to ake a real effort to watch our thoughts and see exactly what it was that we were pntg our own “d gardens”it was difficult at first,but gradually,we began to pay ore and ore attention to what thoughts were repeatedly fshg across our ds

how disturbg it was to disver that any of these “seeds”were extrely negative thoughts dested to grow patches of thorny thistles and stgg tles our daily lives!

we gradually ca to see how any of the probles and difficulties we were enunterg our lives had their begngs the seeds of doubt,fear and anxiety that we were ntually pntg our ds






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it does take effort,but like anythg else it ts easier with practice,and the aazg thg is,as we beca ore and ore aware of these negative thoughts we are able to say:

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