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第25章 英国的农村生活(2 / 2)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

these are but a few of the features of park scenery;but what ost delights ,is the creative talent with which the english derate the unostentatio abodes of iddle lifethe rudest habitation,the ost unproisg and scanty portion of nd, the hands of an englishan of taste,bees a little paradise

the sterile spot grows to loveless under his (an englishan)hands,andyet the operations of art which produce the effect are scarcely to be perceivedthe cherishg and trag of trees;the cautio prung of others;the nice distribution of flowers and pnts of tender and graceful folia;the troduction of a green slope of velvet turf;the partial openg to a peep of be distance,or silver glea of water:all these are anad with a delicate tact,a pervadg yet iet assiduity,like the agic touchgs with which a pater fishes up a favorite picture



the residence of people of fortune and refent the untry has diffed a degree of taste and elegance rural enoy that descends to the lowest cssthe very borer,with his thatched tta and narrow slip of ground,attends to their ebellishntthe tri hed,the grass-plot before the door,the little flower-bed bordered with snug box,the woodbe traed up agast the wall,and hangg its bloss about the ttice,the pot of flowers the dow,the holly,providently pnted about the hoe,to cheat ter of its drearess,and to throw a sebnce of green sur to cheer the fireside:all these bespeak the fence of taste,flog down fro high urces,and pervadg the lowest levels of the public dif ever love,as poets sg,delights to visit a tta,it t be the tta of an english peasant


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