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第5章 热爱生活(1 / 1)

每天太阳照常升起 金跃军 更新时间 2022-02-13

 love your life


david thoreau/大卫·梭罗

however an your life is,et it and live it;do not shun it and call it hard nasit is not bad as you areit looks poorest when you are richestthe fault-fder will fd faults paradiselove your life,poor as it isyou ay perhaps have pleasant,thrillg,glorio hours,even a poor-hoethe settg sun is reflected fro the dows of the als-hoe as brightly as fro the rich an’s abode;the snow lts before its door as early the sprgi do not see but a iet d ay lives as ntentedly there,and has as cheerg thoughts,as a pacethe town‘s poor see to often to live the ost dependent lives of anyaybe they are siply great enough to receive without isgivgost thk that they are above beg supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supportg theselves by dishonest ans,which should be ore disreputablecultivate poverty a garden herb,like sado not trouble yourself uch to t new thgs,whether clothes or friendsturn the old,return to thethgs do not chan;we chansell your clothes and keep your thoughts

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